British charity organization OXFAM - Representation of Georgia, Oxfam Novib
The aim of the project:
Popularization of the Millennium Development Goals declared by UN for the society and promotion of raising quality of the prioritization on the government level.
In the scopes of the project was implemented the popularization of the Millennium Development Goals in Georgia; the monitoring of the state obstetrics programs was conducted. Based on the above mentioned activities the recommendations were developed for the relevant state structures. At the same time permanently was implemented various activities for the raising of public awareness and information level. In this regard electronic bulletins and publications were published and publications were developed.
The series of radio program cycles (9 radio broadcasts prepared) were dedicated to the popularization of the Millennium Development Goals for the society.
Partner organizations: Association of Young Lawyers of Georgia, Welfare Foundation.
The project beneficiaries: Civil Society, State structures.