Temur Kanchaveli
ტელ.: | ელ.ფოსტა: tkanchaveli@economists.ge
Temur Kanchaveli 2001-2005 was graduated from Tbilisi State University, faculty of Commerce and Marketing, specializing in Marketing, Economics and Trade. 2005-2007 he was graduated from the Faculty of Business at the same University of Marketing in Masters Degree.
Temuri works at Association of Young Economists of Georgia since 2005 till 2015 at the position of Accountant and at the same time he was conducting training for the work of the tax and financial accounting, as our organization's education program, as well as in other projects which was implemented by AYEG.From March 2016 Temur kanchaveli occupied the position of finical manager in AYEG. From the same period within ENPARD is carried out by Agricultural Cooperatives to training and coaching in Taxation and Accounting whole of the country.