Kakha Daushvili
ტელ.: | ელ.ფოსტა: kdaushvili@economists.ge
Kakha Daushvili has been working in AYEG from 2013 year. Since 2016 Mr. Daushvili was elected as an executive Director of AYEG. Kakha Daushvili has extensive knowledge and experience in business development and project management. He was actively involved in different donor funded projects (ENPARD, GIZ, EU, USAID) as a project manager and coordinator. He was responsible for needs assessment, public policy, reporting, project monitoring and evaluation. Mr. Daushvili is also experienced in managing public finance training programs for state agencies, business sector and students.
Mr. Daushvili holds bachelor degree in Business Administration at the Tbilisi State University. He successfully completed training in Entrepreneurship, leadership and other managerial skills; also he published the topic “Problems and prospects of development of agriculture in Georgia” and took the first place in the conference, 2013.